GSP-101: Google Cloud Essential Skills

GSP-101: Google Cloud Essential Skills


Task 1 : Create a Compute Engine instance, add necessary firewall rules

  • Goto Compute Engine -> VM Instannces -> Create Instance.
1   Name : <Given in the lab>
2   Zone : <Given in the lab>
3   Series : N1
4   Boot Disk : Default
6   Tick : Allow HTTP Traffic
7          Allow HTTPS Traffic
  • Click Create.

Task 2 : Configure Apache2 Web Server in your instance

  • SSH to 'apache' instance and run
1sudo su -
2apt-get update
3apt-get install apache2 -y
4service --status-all

Task 3 : Test your server

  • Click on External IP of apache instance.

Congratulations, you're all done with the lab 😄