Google Associate Android Developer Certification

Google Associate Android Developer Certification



Hey Folks!

Associate Android Developer make your way towards mobile app development. You will be able to learn how to build simple Android apps in Kotlin training. In this, there is no requirement for experience and provide 100% online learning under 10 hours of study a week.

Benefits of the program

  • Sharable certificate
  • 100% online courses

Android Basics in Kotlin courses

Unit 1: Kotlin Basics

Introduction to Kotlin

Take your first step in the field of programming in Kotlin.In this, you need to add images and text to your android apps. You will be able to build your first Android app in Kotlin. Then you will be provided with a code lab where you will be provided with the short program in Kotlin using functions and loops to print a happy birthday message. After that, you will be provided a quiz which you need to answer.

  • Create your first app: In this, you will create an app using Android Studio. Firstly you will be given an introduction to Android Studio. Then you need to download and install Android Studio. Then you will be able to create your first Android app. Then you will be able to run your app on your mobile device. After that, you will be provided a quiz which you need to answer.

  • Build a basic layout: In this, you will be able to learn how to add images and text. You will be able to design a Birthday Card app. Then you will be able to add images to your Android app.

Unit 2: Layouts

In this, you will be able to learn about layouts.

Get user input in an app Part 1

In this you will be able to learn about two apps to advance your knowledge about UI layouts in Android. So firstly you will be given a bit description about tip calculator. After that, you will be able to learn new UI components, such as editable text fields, radio buttons, and switches to build up the layout for your tip calculator app. You will be able to learn how to write Kotlin code to interact with the UI elements in the tip calculator app so that you can calculate. After that, you will be provided a quiz which you need to answer.

Get user input in an app Part 2

In this, you can choose the color of your apps and apply them consistently throughout your app using themes. You will be able to change the launcher icon for your app. Then you can update your tip calculator app to look more professional and polished. After that, you will be provided a quiz which you need to answer.

Display a scrollable list

Firstly you will be introduced to the Affirmations app and will be creating in this pathway. You will be able to learn how to create lists in Kotlin and loop through them. You will be introduced to RecycleView to display a scrollable list. You will be able to learn how to add images to the scrollable list. After that, you will be provided a quiz which you need to answer.

Unit 3:Navigation

You will be able to learn basic concepts of app navigation. You will be able to understand collections and how to manipulate them. You will be able to build a Words app with multiple activities. You will be able to learn about the activity lifecycle and different stages of an activity. At last, you need to test your knowledge to earn Navigate between screen badges.

Introduction to the Navigation component

You will be able to get an introduction to the Navigation component. You will be able to understand how to use fragments and implement navigation. You will be able to introduce MAD skills with the Navigation components. At last, you need to test your knowledge to earn your Introduction to the Navigation component badge.

  • Architecture components: Given a brief introduction about Unscramble app. You need to improve your app by implementing a ViewModel to retain app data. After that, you need to do the quiz for your knowledge.

  • Advanced navigation app examples: You will be able to get an introduction to the Cupcake app which you will create in this pathway. You need to build a cupcake ordering app and use a shared ViewModel. Also, you need to manipulate the back stack in a custom way by modifying the cupcake apps so that the user can cancel the order. At last, you need to test your knowledge to earn an Advanced Navigation app badge.

Unit 4: Connect to the Internet

  • Coroutines: You will firstly be getting introduced to a Coroutines where you will learn to write clear code while building more complex and advanced apps. After that, you will be given a test for your knowledge and then you can earn your Coroutines badge.

  • Get data from the internet: In this, you will be given an introduction to HTTP. You will be able to connect your app to the backend servers. You will learn about REST web services and will be able to load and display images using web URLs. After that, you will be given a test for your knowledge and earn your Get and display data from the internet badge.

Unit 5 :Data Persistence

  • Introduction to SQL, Room, and Flow: In this, you will learn the basics of SQL, how to use and apply relational databases in an Android app. In this, you will learn the fundamentals of relational databases and will be able to practice running SQL queries. In this, you will be able to learn how to work with databases on Android. After that, you will be provided a quiz which you need to answer.

  • Use Room for data persistence: In this, you will learn how to use and test Room Kotlin APIs. In this, you will be able to learn and build an app that uses the room to save inventory items into SQLS queries. You will be able to read, display, update and delete data from the app’s SQLite database using Room. After that, you will be provided a quiz which you need to answer.